The exhibition was brought many domestic and foreign enterprises that had cooperation with FTU, sponsored events for the university and the faculties of FTU and businesses which need to recruit high quality human resources of FTU.
At the exhibition, businesses have exhibited their referral products and provided information about job opportunities as well as direct recruitment of potential candidates. The exhibition attracted a large number of students from FTU to visit and learn about businesses from various fields such as: economics, business, finance, banking, auditing, marketing...
This is a great opportunity to help students to find out about companies, listen to advice from recruiters, find jobs that match their abilities, career direction.
The atmosphere of the exhibition had become more and more exciting with the participation of many companies, large corporations with interesting interactive activities and attractive and eye-catching products booths such as Unilever, Viettel, Coca Cola, Pepsico, Rang Dong, Amacao, ACB, SHB ...
Here are som photos of the exhibition: