

29 Oct 2020
4627 times

Foreign Trade University (FTU) will hold the Fourth Annual Forum on Internationalization of Higher Education 2020 under the theme “Sustaining and Enhancing Cross-border Partnership of Higher Education in the New Normal Contextin Hanoi, Vietnam in 2pm in November 2020.

In response to the new normal context, the Forum this year will be held under both online and offline format connecting higher education institutions domestically and internationally. 

Here is the registration form: click here!

Here are the Forum’s papers: FIHE4 Proceedings : click here!

Here are the Keynote Presentations: FTU-forum: click here!

                                                                   PresentationsYTL: click here!

About the FIHE4:

This year marks the start of the new decade with events and issues that have affected all countries worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has been massively altering the world and all of its activities. Internationalization of higher education institutions is not an exception. The internationalization activities of the higher education institutions have been impeded by countries’ lockdown and community isolation. Cross-border partnership development activities have been seriously affected. Physical movement of people has all been ceased.

In such unprecedented circumstances with new opportunities and challenges, which are called “new normal”, countries, industries, and individuals must build up their own responsive policies, prepare their readiness and adjust themselves to a new way of living, working, and interacting with others.  

In order to adapt to the “new normal” context, innovative ideas and new models of collaboration among higher education institutions have been flourished. For example, continued collaboration among higher education institutions against the Covid-19 pandemic has been made possible with the aid of innovation in information technology and digitalization in the digital era. Innovative application of information technology is particularly helpful to link the disconnected world. It is, thus, important for higher education institutions to reform the traditional approaches towards partnership in learning, teaching and conducting research under the “new normal” context.  

About Us

Foreign Trade University, or FTU, is a public university established in 1960, located in Hanoi, Vietnam. FTU is among the most well-known universities in Vietnam, covering a wide range of business courses among which are finance, management, and marketing. The annual admissions test to the university is the most competitive in Vietnam. Students from FTU are recognized as being active and well-qualified.


+ Address: 91 Chua Lang Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi City.

+ Telephone: (84-24)32595158 | Email: qhqt@ftu.edu.vn


+ Address: 15 - D5 street, ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City

+ Telephone: (84-28)35127254 | Fax:(84-28)35127255 | Email: qlkhhtqt.cs2@ftu.edu.vn


+ Address: 260 Bach Dang, Nam Khe Town, Uong Bi City, Quang Ninh Province

+ Telephone: (84-203)3567089   |   Fax:(84-203)3385 2744 | Email:  csquangninh@ftu.edu.vn