
Greeting freshmen course No. 55 academic year 2016 festival

17 Sep 2016
2978 times

On September 17th 2016, Board of Management, Youth Union, Student Association of Foreign Trade University has organized the greeting freshmen course No. 55 academic year 2016 festival.

This festival was the last activity in the week of greeting new students. There were a lot of useful and practical activities for the freshmen which were performed by faculties, Youth Union, Student 

Association and many other clubs of FTU.

From left to right: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thi Thu Thuy - Vice President of FTU, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dao Thi Thu Giang - Vice President of FTU, Master Nguyen Van Trieu - Secretary of FTU Youth Union, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy - Vice President of FTU, Dr. Pham Thu Huong - Head of Management Training

There were the presence of FTU Board of Management: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dao Thi Thu Giang - Vice President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thi Thu Thuy - Vice President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy - Vice President. And the attendance of Dr. Pham Thu Huong - Head of Management Training, Master Nguyen Van Trieu - Secretary of FTU Youth Union and FTU's students.

With multi-colored themes, this festival aimed to convey the diversity in personality of FTU's studens in general, especially course No. 55 students in particular. Dr. Pham Thu Huong - Head of Management Training said that the festival has offered the teachers a chance to feel the passion and enthusiasm of youth. She also gave thanks to FTU's clubs for creating such a beautiful scenery.

The Camp activities took place throughout the day of September 17th, with over 50 camp booths of FTU's clubs along with the well-known brands such as Yamaha, Pepsico, Ponds, Tribeco, Goo Goo gelato, .... Many interesting activities were held successfully that brought the fun, excitement for all attendances. Moreover, the festival has 1000 free milk tea in cans, 100 free barrels of water, free ice cream that drew the attention of many people.

Besides the colorful camp booths, alot of unique music performances were presented by FTU students. With large-scale, professional organization with the participation of singers, dance groups, DJs, the
festival has left a great impression in the eyes of the new students course No. 55 and students from other universities in Hanoi.

Here are some photos of the festival:

The Board of Management of FTU took photos with the students


 The Board of Management of FTU took photos with the students

About Us

Foreign Trade University, or FTU, is a public university established in 1960, located in Hanoi, Vietnam. FTU is among the most well-known universities in Vietnam, covering a wide range of business courses among which are finance, management, and marketing. The annual admissions test to the university is the most competitive in Vietnam. Students from FTU are recognized as being active and well-qualified.


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