Attending the ceremony, there were the presence of: Mr. Jacob Green - Danish Embassy Counsellor in Vietnam; Ms Anya Eskildsen – President of Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (Denmark); Mr. Claus Villumsen - Program Director; Mr. Brian Hawkins - Dean of Student Affairs, California International Business University. From Foreign Trade University, it is our honor to receive: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan – President of Foreign Trade University; Faculty of International Education (the Faculty directly responsible for managing the joint training program), the lecturers of the program, the parents and all the students.
From left to right: Mr. Brian Hawkins - Head of Students Affairs Department of the California International Business University, Mrs. Anya Eskildsen - President of Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (Denmark), Mr. Jacob Green - Danish Embassy Counsellor in Vietnam, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan - President of FTU.
The Progression Bachelor in Finance program is taught in English with 1/3 lecturers from Denmark. The students enjoyed the education environment similar to one in Denmark.
The graduation ceremony of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Finance (2nd intake) today marked the completion of four years of study at the Foreign Trade University from 2011 to 2015 of students of FNB2 class.
This past February, 2015, Danish Ambassador John Nielsen hosted a job fair for 2nd intake students of Finance Bachelor program of FTU and in the future the Danish Embassy will also organize numerous events to support the students of the program. In order to encourage and motivate students who have outstanding academic achievement during the year 2014 - 2015, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan - President of FTU has awarded students with excellent academic performance and got highest IELTS score.
To encourage the spirit of the students on their achievement, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan - President of Foreign Trade University confered the award for the top 5 students with excellent academic performance and highest IELTS: Nguyen Thuy Linh (IELTS 6.0); Nguyen Ngoc Anh (IELTS 6.0); Le Tran Linh (IELTS 6.5); Luu Duc Quan (IELTS 7.0); Le Thi Mai Suong (IELTS 6.5).
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan - President of FTU awarded students with excellent academic performance
Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College awarded one scholarship to study Master in Denmark for Ms. Pham Thi Thuy Linh - student who achieved highest academic results (Average score: 85, IELTS: 6.5).
Mrs. Anya Eskildsen - President of Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (Denmark) awarded one scholarship of full tuition fee waiver for Master Course in Denmark to the student having the highest academic result - Ms. Pham Thi Thuy Linh
In addition, Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College also awarded a special scholarship for Ms. Le Thi Mai Suong, who won the title of student have strong leadership qualities, study Masters in Sandiago (USA) with a total value up to 435 million Vietnamese Dong. This title is awarded based on the efforts and contributions of student in organizing and leading the class as a bridge between the university and the students during the past 4 years.
Ms Anya Eskildsen - President of Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (Denmark) awarded one scholarship of full tuition fee waiver for Master Course in San Diego(USA) to the student with the prize "The Future Manager" for Ms. Le Thi Mai Suong
Also within the framework of the graduation ceremony on June 23rd, 2015, the Embassy of Denmark awarded the Medal and Title in Education Career and International Cooperation between Vietnam and Denmark to Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Chau - Party Secretary, former President of Foreign Trade University. This title is recognition for the dedication and contributions of Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Chau for the development of education cooperation between the two countries. Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Chau had laid the foundation for cooperation between FTU and Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (Denmark) by signing an agreement on training in January, 2010. Business Administration in Finance program is a cooperative training program - University level between Vietnam and Denmark and a precondition for the development of sustainable partnerships and lasting between two parties.
Mr. Jacob Green - Danish Embassy Counsellor in Vietnam, Mrs. Anya Eskildsen - President of Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (Denmark) awarded the Medal and Title in Education Career and International Cooperation between Vietnam and Denmark to Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Chau - Party Secretary, former President of Foreign Trade University
FTU.Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan - President of Foreign Trade University gave flowers to congratulate Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Chau.