
Graduation cremony Intake 9 and Opening ceremony Intake 14 Joint Master Program of Business Adminstration cooperated between FTU and Meiho University, Taiwan

18 Mar 2018
2911 times

Graduates from EMBA Cohort 9

On 18th March 2018, Foreign Trade University solemnly holds the Graduation Ceremony for 29 out of 32 graduates from the Cohort 9 of program Master of Business Administration cooperated with Meiho University (EMBA9).

Participating the ceremony, there were Dr. Tony Lee, Counselor of Science & Technology, S&T Division, Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Vietnam (TECO), Dr. Hsiao-Tseng Lin – Dean of Office of International and Cross-strait affairs of Meiho University, Taiwan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan – President of Foreign Trade University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy – Vice President of Foreign Trade University (International education), Faculty of International Education – in charge of the program, together with the students, their families and friends. The students of EMBA program come from different backgrounds, careers, towns and ages. Together they have created a network that connects students from various hometowns and different work fields. After the journey of 21 months, the students of EMBA cohort 9 successfully completed the program and gained the opportunity to participate in the field trip within enterprises in Vietnam and the study tour to Taiwan.

The program has been established since 2011 and now operating in all three campuses of Foreign Trade University, recruiting more than 350 students. The program is designed specifically for white-collar worker and is considered suitable in term of studying schedule and tuition fee by students.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan & Dr. Hsiao-Tseng Lin awards the master degree to EMBA9 students

In the Graduation speech, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan – President of Foreign Trade University congratulated all of the fresh graduates and showed appreciation to their families and friends, who have accompanied them during the last 21 months. He warmly welcomed 29 fresh master graduates to join the Meiho Alumni Association in Vietnam (MAAV) of Foreign Trade University with the hope that they could all become one part of of this energetic network.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan – President of Foreign Trade University made his speech in the ceremony

Representing Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Vietnam (TECO), Dr. Tony-Lee affirms their support to the program. The program is the excellent collaboration between two notable universities of two countries. He quoted the famous saying “Talent is the most valuable resource of each country” from Dr. Than Nhan Trung. He truly believes that each student of the program will contribute to the resource of Vietnam.

Dr. Tony Lee, Counselor of Science & Technology, S&T Division,Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Vietnam (TECO) made his speech

In the ceremony, we also welcomed 20 new students of the EMBA program intake 14. The happiness and excitement of the students and their families are truly the greatest achievement of the university and the coordinator of the program.

The joy from the student and their family

About Us

Foreign Trade University, or FTU, is a public university established in 1960, located in Hanoi, Vietnam. FTU is among the most well-known universities in Vietnam, covering a wide range of business courses among which are finance, management, and marketing. The annual admissions test to the university is the most competitive in Vietnam. Students from FTU are recognized as being active and well-qualified.


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