Attending the ceremony, from Korea Exchange Bank , there is the presence of: Mr. Jin Sung Oh - Grant Director of Korea Exchange Bank (KEB), Mr. Kim In Soo - Deputy Director Grant of KEB bank, Mr. Kim Kwang Eok - General Director of KEB - Hanoi Branch, Mr. Jeon Jeong - Deputy Director of KEB - Hanoi Branch.
From Foreign Trade University, there is the presence of: Prof. Dr. Dao Thi Thu Giang - Vice President of FTU, Nguyen Thu Thuy - Dean of Faculty of Business Administration, lectures & students of FTU
Making an opening speech at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Dao Thi Thu Giang - Vice President of FTU congratulated the outstanding students who reveived the shoclarship this time. She also extended sincere thanks to The Korea Exchange Bank for support scholarships for FTU student. She highly appreciated the cooperation and collaboration of KEB and hoped to strengthen this relation more in the future.
Prof. Dr. Dao Thi Thu Giang - Vice President of FTU was giving a speech at the KEB Scholarship Awarding Ceremony