AUN-QA assessors has read and studied four self-assessment reports, comprising of 311 pages, more than 1,652 pages of supporting documents and 922 evidence items. They have met and interviewed 8 Deans/Vice-Deans, 4 programme chairs, 12 Head of departments, 38 SAR team members, 65 academic staffs, 32 support staffs, 80 students, 65 alumni and 55 employers; they also visited our Dormitory, Student House, FTU Student Service Center, FTU Innovation and Incubation Space, Library, IT Cetnter, computer room, faculties/school office, classrooms and other facilities.
After two days of hard working, AUN-QA assessors have given their opinion on strengths as well as recommendations on areas of improvements for 4 high quality programmes, which FTU Board of Governors considered meaningful for quality enhancement and as foundation to internationalise programmes in accordance with FTU development strategies to 2030.
Below are some moments from the programme accreditation:
Assoc. Prof Dr. Bui Anh Tuan – President of FTU
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gerardo Largoza – Assessor and AUN-QA Council Member – Director, Quality Assurance Office – De La Salle University, The Philippines
AUN-QA delegations
Source: Center for Testing and Quality Assurance of FTU