On April 13th, 2015, the opening ceremony of The Training EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) Program (7th course) between Foreign Trade University (FTU) and Meiho University was held solemnly at FTU. Attending the ceremony, there is the presence of: Dr. Tung Yi Lee - Counselor of Science and Technology and Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Vietnam; Dr. Ron Yeh Chuan - lecturer of Meiho University (Taiwan); Prof. Dr. Dao Thi Thu Giang - Vice President of FTU and teachers, managers and trainers of the program.
At the beginning of ceremony, Dr. Ho Thuy Ngoc - Director of Faculty of International Education of FTU ( the unit manage directly The Training EMBA Program ) delivered a speech to welcome 31 admitted students. The representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office - Dr. Tung Yi Lee highly appreciated the program, the quality of students as well as the reputation principal in Taiwan. He also sent his best wishes to the students of EMBA7 class.
Dr. Ho Thuy Ngoc welcome 31 admitted students of The Training EMBA Program (7th course) between Foreign Trade University and Meiho University
Dr. Tung Yi Lee - Counselor of Science and Technology gave a speech at the opening ceremony
The principal of Meiho University gave admission letter for new students
Letter of admission from the Meiho University (Taiwan)