On the side of FTU, there was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan - President together with leaders of some units. There was the participant of Mr. Omura - Chairman of Japi and representative of Neo Career - Japan's second largest human resource company.
At the meeting, the representative of Japi sent their sincere thanks to FTU for spending time to welcome the delegation. He discussed the Universal House project to connect FTU students with Japanese businesses, enhance practicality in teaching content, strengthen Japanese language and create employment opportunities after graduation. The delegation also introduced briefly about Neo Career company - one of the leading companies in introducing human resource and job introductions of Japan. The jobs that are introduced to the students are highly qualified works and had good review by the candidates. With good marketing capabilities, Neo Career can confidently connect businesses with universities, students and candidates. In 2018, the company was awarded the Certificate of Merit by the Government of Japan for Excellence in Human Resources.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan expressed his pleasure to welcome the delegation of Japi to visit and work at FTU. He affirmed that students of FTU are highly qualified laborers who met the recruitment requirements of foreign partners, especially those from Japan. Along with the advantages that Neo Career has, such as: skills training schools for candidates, good output in many fields, the rate of recruitment is relatively high, both sides agreed that cooperation between FTU and Japi is extremely necessary and offers many opportunities for students as well as Japi.
The cooperation between FTU and JAPI is a strategic cooperative relationship that helps the university and the company to connect in many fields, connect students with reputable companies in Japan and enhance the reputation of training programs of FTU.
Overview of the meeting