Participating universities at ASEAN-QA TrainIQA 2016 - 2018 Final Conference
ASEAN-QA is a joint initiative of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Rectors´ Conference (HRK), and the University of Potsdam, Germany together with partners from Southeast Asia and Europe – ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN), ASEAN University Network (AUN), European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the SEAMEO Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO RIHED). The ASEAN-QA Project aims at developing capacity in the field of quality assurance (QA) in the ASEAN region.
The aim of the TrainIQA course is to build capacity in the field of internal quality assurance by training higher education professionals and to contribute to the structural development of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the field of QA. The training is based on five interlinked modules that give comprehensive insight on the topic of quality assurance and enhancement of teaching and learning.
TrainIQA course which including represenatives of 32 from 9 Southeast Asia countries (Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philipines, Indonesia, Timo Leste, Laos, Cambodia) with the experts’ support form DAAD, AQAN, AUN, SEMEO HIRED, University of Postdam, etc. was organised with five main modules as follows:
Module 1 “Designing effective quality management systems in higher education institutions” took place from February 20th to February 24th , 2017 in Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia.
Module 2 “Tools and procedures for quality assurance in higher education institutions” was held from July 24th to August 1st, 2017 in Postdam, Germany. This module focused on the evaluation process and on method training as well as the individual projects of the participants. To get a practical insight into the topic, evaluation at the University of Postdam in general and on faculty level was introduced.
From October 24th to October 28th, 2017, Module 3 “Quality assurance of teaching and learning in higher education insituations” was organised in Siem Reap, Cambodia. This workshop for Module 3 focused on the design and quality assurance of study programme. Participants learnt how to define study programmes’ objectives, expected learning outcomes. The workshop dealt with the continuous revision of study programmes and how to write an evaluation self-report at programme level. Additionally, the workshop emphasized the linkage between external and internal quality assurance approaches and how to make best use of both worlds.
Module 4 “Information management in higher education institutions” was trained online.
Module 5 “Quality management and its linkages to higher education management” and Final Conference were trained in Bangkok, Thailand from March 19th to March 23rd, 2018. The Conference wrapped up the passed up Modules and experiences made with the change projects to connect them to the overall management of a higher education institution and discuss topics such as qualiy culture and the linkages of quality assurance to strategic management.
Participants together discussed about projects relating to quality assurance in higher education institutions mentored by ASEAN and European experts throughout the training.
ASEAN-QA TrainIQA Final Conference recorded achivements and lessons learnt after the training course, from that, to build up the future directions of internal quality assurance in higher education institutions.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thi Thu Thuy- Vice President, Dr. Vo Sy Manh – Director of Center for Quality Assurance, participants of TrainIQA 2016 – 2018 and higher managements from University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Hanoi, University of Danang, Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnamese - German University.
At Final Conference, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thi Thu Thuy – Vice President represented Foreign Trade University to received the certificate of completion of ASEAN-QA TrainIQA course.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thi Thu Thuy – Vice President received the certificate of completion of ASEAN-QA TrainIQA course.
Certificate of completion of ASEAN-QA TrainIQA course